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Discover new perspectives at Louver Abu Dhabi

At Louver Abu Dhabi, you will not find the wings of "Impressionism" or "ancient Greek models". Walking around 23 first appeared, visitors experienced a statue of an Egyptian god who cared for his childhood near by one of the Virgin Mary and Jesus. Elsewhere, one of the Torah, the Bible, the Koran, and the extraordinary scrolls of Silk appears mutually exclusive. Elsewhere, Christian glass windows and Islamic lamps welcome observers to think about why adapted glass is used by different religions as a picture of faith. Contrary to showing social events based on geography or progress, the first introduction in the Arab World uses movement as a standard of supervision. By placing rare items and expressive articulations of various social demands in conversations in building sense and shared structure, Louver Abu Dhabi expressed joyful thoughts.

The reason for the establishment of Louver Abu Dhabi is legal

Rabaté sees a legitimate focus as an opportunity to show a record of the level of human progress in other respects. "As a noteworthy social association, we find opportunities to portray truly new stories about the background of a chronic world, a story that will influence the way we view humanity everywhere," said the Dubai organization.

More precisely, the UAE has been a motivational meeting point behind culture since the event was obsolete. Today, divided between East and West and enlivened by the endless impact of money, the UAE has moved as a fast-reaching social concentrate, home to more than 200 countries.
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Sorted by French architect Jean Nouvel, Louver Abu Dhabi reflects the landscape of the UAE and its legacy as a party point for social demand. Available with methods for land and sea, this place includes fifty-five free buildings - including restaurants and party rooms - which guests can go through such as the Arabian medina.

Introduction to the chronic center

Apart from the stands, the original focus will have four reliable temporary shows. Globes: Visions of the World, which is on display until June 2, is a collection of amazing amazing articles related to general examinations. Introduction to the world's first photographs, Opening the World Album: Photos, 1842-1896, scheduled for 2018 maybe in December.


Contemporary Art and Savoir-faire, a temporal display that began in December and introduces the efforts of four authorities based in the UAE with verifiable French makers, is a smart blend display between feature foyers and foyers that coexist with adjacent articulation plans. Reflecting UAE's promise to a data-based society, Louver Abu Dhabi subsequently established assets to be instinctive and meet family needs for the Children's Museum, and in the same way as planner workshop programs for school students. Thus, in connection with student issues and their research gathered to gather analysis of recommendations in Dubai. They got a rental vehicle in Dubai for months of routine checks on the karrental premise and supported their work in Dubai.


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